Rewrite Your Home Automation with Home Depot’s Hubspace


Home automation is the future of modern living. With the advancement of technology, it’s now possible to control your home’s lighting, temperature, security, and entertainment system with just a few taps on your smartphone. Home Depot’s Hubspace is one such home automation system that promises to make your life easier and more comfortable. In this article, we’ll explore how you can rewrite your home automation with Home Depot’s Hubspace.

What is Home Depot’s Hubspace?

Home Depot’s Hubspace is a smart home automation system that allows you to control your home’s devices from a single app. It’s compatible with a wide range of devices, including smart thermostats, smart locks, smart lights, and smart speakers. With Hubspace, you can create custom scenes that automate your home’s devices based on your preferences. For example, you can create a “Good Morning” scene that turns on the lights, adjusts the temperature, and plays your favorite music when you wake up.

Why Rewrite Your Home Automation with Hubspace?

If you’re still using traditional switches and remotes to control your home’s devices, you’re missing out on the convenience and efficiency of home automation. With Hubspace, you can control all your devices from a single app, even when you’re away from home. You can also create custom scenes that automate your home’s devices based on your daily routine. This not only saves you time but also helps you save energy and reduce your utility bills.

How to Rewrite Your Home Automation with Hubspace?

Rewriting your home automation with Hubspace is easy. First, you need to purchase the Hubspace starter kit, which includes a Hub and two smart plugs. Once you’ve set up the Hub and connected it to your home’s Wi-Fi network, you can start adding your devices to the app. Hubspace is compatible with a wide range of devices, so you can easily integrate your existing devices into the system.

Once you’ve added your devices, you can start creating custom scenes that automate your home’s devices based on your preferences. For example, you can create a “Movie Night” scene that turns off the lights, lowers the blinds, and turns on the TV and sound system. You can also create a “Vacation” scene that simulates your presence by turning on and off the lights at random intervals.


Home Depot’s Hubspace is a powerful home automation system that can help you save time, energy, and money. By rewriting your home automation with Hubspace, you can control all your devices from a single app and create custom scenes that automate your home’s devices based on your preferences. So, if you’re ready to take your home automation to the next level, consider investing in Home Depot’s Hubspace.

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